The developing need for SAP User Empowerment
Whilst ERP is regarded as one of the most effective and critical computer applications in supporting business functionality and objective accomplishment, its overall usability is often consequently compromised.The SAP GUI user interface is arguably still the main technology used by most business professionals working with SAP on a daily basis. However, the interface is now over 20 years old and around 80% of the original SAP GUI screens have remained largely unchanged.
Moreover, the complexity of daily ERP user interaction often constrains users to operate within a limited scope of knowlagable ERP functionality for their business role, compromising advantageous ERP functions that can help users efficently carry out various business functions and processes.
In an digital age where user dynamics with consumer focused companies such as Amazon, Facebook and Apple have pre-defined the standards of usability, user expectations of ERP software has also evolved. In conjunction with mobile device advancements and adoption, users now expect to utilise intuitive technological interaction to provide advantageous conditions to daily operation.
From a business perspective, as enterprise data continues to grow in conjunction with the requirement of users to quickly interpret such data to drive key business decisions, the need for user empowerment will unprecedentedly further develop. SAP has more recently undergone a period of user-centric transition, recognising the need and value of reflecting user-centric design in its overall user interface appearance. By providing optimal conditions for user interaction with SAP software, businesses can begin to harness the true value of ERP-user co-operation through leveraging barriers to common business ERP operational problems such as underutilisation, user training costs, bad data entry & productivity implications.
If you would like to read more about UX development, you may like our guide about why User Experience and Master Data go hand in hand.
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