Career Change of the Highest Order

Let me introduce myself – Malcolm, 63 years old and delighted to have joined Bluestonex as their ‘Delivery Manager’.

I have been entrusted with managing the delivery of projects and services to Bluestonex customers.

While I joined with Zero knowledge of SAP and its place in the world, I did have good people and communication skills that were thought to be a useful tool in running projects to time and on budget.


shallow focus photography of red and white for hire signage


For the majority of my career, I have been in the Recruitment Industry. I started as a trainee and rose through the ranks to become the MD of a 17 office High Street recruitment agency.

I then set up my own business running recruitment campaigns for other recruitment companies.

That has all now been left behind as I immerse myself into the SAP world and its galaxy of TLAs (three letter acronyms) and quite often FLAs and more.

However, the incredible team at Bluestonex make it easy and have made Joining this great team a smooth transition.

What I have learned is that SAP powers 87% of the world’s top 2000 companies and that those users need help in making SAP work the way they want it to work! This is the forte of Bluestonex, and I am delighted to be working with fantastic clients and the brilliant teams here. I look forward to seeing and being a part of the future of a digital transformation.


Malcolm Turner – Delivery Manager at Bluestonex

For more stories of how our team joined the SAP world, check out our UX Designers story here.