Within Maextro, templates are used to capture business processes for master data management. Tasks (approval & data collection) are created within the templates, then views, fields and users are assigned to the tasks. Business rules are also assigned to these templates to ensure correct data entry. Requests for object maintenance/creation are then created using these templates.
Bluestonex began the implementation of the material templates with a two-day workshop at the Babcock office in Portsmouth. We used this workshop to clarify the scope, capturing existing business rules and adding new rules as desired.
5 Maextro templates were specified. Two templates for material creation, one for 3 material types and the other for 8 material types. Each of the create templates also needed a corresponding change template for their given material types. The final template needed to extend existing materials to new plants and warehouses. This template is being used for all 11 material types.
Bluestonex completed the initial build of the templates and played them back to Babcock in an online meeting. Using feedback from this meeting, the Bluestonex team was able to further fine tune the templates based on Babcock’s requirements. Once Bluestonex had completed their testing, the templates were given to Babcock to explore in their development system. This allowed them to test the Maextro templates against their business requirements. This highlighted gaps in the templates design and allowed Bluestonex to align Maextro to the businesses needs.
In addition to this, Babcock have made a whole series of configuration updates after Bluestonex created the original processes / templates – some due to defects, others due to changed requirements from the business.
Babcock have found it relatively straightforward to create new rules or update existing ones, change dropdown values or to maintain and add users etc. They can now create a new template using one of the originals as the basis. This too has been straightforward to achieve.